24 Oct 2014

Food for thought

My dear fellow Tam-Brahms (perhaps even all the Hindus),

I am deeply moved by your compassion towards animals (read cows) and birds (read crows), especially during festivals. Your treatment of cows as equal to Gods and crows as equal to your ancestors and your sincerity in feeding them prior to even the inmates of your home is something astonishing and I respect that.

But I would like to request you, very humbly indeed, to provide the same handful of rice that you feed the crows and cows with to certain less-fortunate beings of your own species. They might not have been mentioned with the same significance as crows and cows in the revered Hindu mythology but they also do walk and live on this same planet.

So, the next time an auspicious occasion falls, feed the crows and feed the cows. But also do walk a few extra steps and feed the hungry old man sitting at the end of your street.

After all, unlike from the crow and cow, you might get a grateful smile in return.

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